Amarillo, Texas

Feeling more confident we headed to Amarillo which is 250 miles north of Witchia Fall, its situated in the Texas pan handle and is the largest city on the 178 mile portion of Route 66 that goes from Oklahoma to Texas and into New Mexico.

There are two popular attractions close to Amarillo that we visited, on the first afternoon we went to Cadillac Ranch, it was hot and windy and really has to be seen to be believed, 10 Cadillac's stuck nose down and buried in the ground in a row, nothing else there. You can take spray paint as many tourist do and paint the cars any way you like! Fabulous!

The next day we headed out early to Palo Duro Canyon, apparently the second largest canyon in the states, The Canyon is 120 miles long, as much as 20 miles wide, and has a maximum depth of more than 800 feet. Its elevation at the rim is 3,500 feet above sea level. it is spectacular to see and not at all crowded or touristy. Many walking trails, wonderful outdoor amphitheater on the valley floor which is open for performances in summer, visitor center is helpful and has all the information you need to enjoy your stay at the canyon. Unless you want to camp there or hike, you can see the canyon in a couple of hours.