So here we are in the heart of Kansas at the historical town of Dodge. Dodge City is on the 100th meridian and is famous for the 1821 opening of the Santa Fe Trail ("Santa Fe Road") by William Becknell, which became the great commercial route, between Franklin, Missouri and Santa Fe, New Mexico, until 1872 when the railroad arrived and the city was founded.
There is a lot to see if your interested in the wild west frontier history. multiple statues of famous folk that spent time in Dodge such as Masteron brothers, Doc Halliday, Wyatt Erp are scattered throughout the town. Boot Hill cemetery and museum and a recreation of Front Street (as the historic main street was called) is informative and fun. Though how much of the current narrative is true is hard to tell as I get the feeling that much has been romanticized or selectively told to encourage tourism and create a "legend", still the TV series Gunsmoke was based here in Dodge City and I'm sure that contributed to the legends.
we stayed at the Gunsmoke RV park just outside Dodge, its clean and friendly and surrounded by paddocks so we woke up at 6am to birds. Milo found a rabbit, lucky the rabbit was faster. Met a couple who have been travelling in their RV since May 2017, they were driving from Florida to Wyoming and were in no hurry, how nice to be retired and just be able to travel.
Dodge City